Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Found Images Collage Reflection


The concept of my work was that a brain has tons of stuff in it. That helped me pick out objects and patterns to put in my collage. I put some things like toy trucks, and nail polish in it, to random shades of  colors and designs. The process of making my collage was pretty easy for me. Something I struggled with was trying to find objects that would go in the section, and not just doing a bunch of random designs. I discovered that I had to work the random colors and the objects together. I wanted to do a little of both, so I had to make it so they went together and that there was a bunch of shades of that certain color. The aspect of the work that I thought was most successful was thinking it through. Every image I saw, I had to picture it in my picture, and make sure it looked good. I didn't just automatically put it in because it was the right color.

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